Get Ready
- 结婚请柬的镜头 Shot of wedding invitation
- 新娘配饰,婚鞋 jewelry laid out, shoes, etc.
- 新娘单独照 Bridal separate photo
- 新娘和伴娘做好头发和化妆 Bride(s) and bridesmaids getting their hair and makeup done
- 挂衣服 Dress hanging,
- 花束和纽扣/胸花 Bouquets and buttonholes/corsages
- 新娘在新娘或伴娘的母亲帮助下穿上礼服/面纱 Bride(s) putting on dress/veil with help from the mother of the bride or bridesmaids
- 新娘与伴娘互动(新娘派对)Bridal party having fun
- 礼服细节,头纱细节 Close up of dress details
- 戴上珠宝 Putting on jewelry
- 穿鞋 Putting on shoes
- 新娘抱着花束的特写 Close up of bride holding bouquet
- 母亲和新娘的肖像 Mother and bride portrait
- 父亲和新娘的肖像 Father and bride portrait
- 家庭照 Family shots
- 新娘独自度过片刻 Bride(s) spending moment alone
- 新娘聚会走下楼梯/离开家 Bridal party walking downstairs/leaving the house
- 新娘和父亲在婚礼车/步行到仪式 Bride and father in wedding car/walking to the ceremony
- 新郎和伴郎准备 Groom(s) and groomsmen getting ready
- 新郎独自度过片刻 Groom(s) spending moment alone
- 结婚戒指镜头 Wedding ring shots

可选:First Look第一眼
- 夫妇独自Couple alone for first look
- 新娘的反应 Bride Reaction
- 爱的信 Love Letter

- 新娘和父亲/母亲 Bride(s) and father/mother
- 新娘和伴娘/女花童 Bride(s) and bridesmaids/flower girls
- 新郎和伴郎/男生 Groom(s) and groomsmen/page boys
- 拍摄婚车 Shot of the wedding car
- 空的场地/教堂的镜头,包括鲜花,内部和外部细节 empty venue/church, including flowers, interior, and exterior details
- 新郎和伴郎在场地/教堂内等待 Groom and groomsmen waiting inside venue/church
- 内外的客人 Guests outside and inside
- 新娘到达婚车 Bride(s) arriving in wedding car
- 新娘下车 Bride(s) stepping out of car
- 会场/教堂后面的新娘和伴娘 Bride(s) and bridesmaids at the back of the venue
- 新娘走在过道上 Bride(s) walking up the aisle
- 新郎的反应 Groom’s reaction
- 父亲/母亲送新娘 Father/mother giving bride away
- 交换誓言 Exchanging of vows
- 交换戒指 Exchanging of the rings
- 宾客,音乐家表情等 Participants such as readers, the officiant, musicians etc.
- 作为已婚夫妇的初吻,之后的那一刻 The first kiss as a married couple, and the moment after
- 签署登记册 Signing the register
- 夫妇退场 The recessional/couple walking back down the aisle

- 夫妇的肖像Portraits of the couple alone
- 新娘/新郎单独肖像 Portraits of bride/groom on their own

- 夫妇与伴娘/伴郎 Couple with bridesmaids/groomsmen
- 新娘+伴娘 Bride(s) with bridesmaids/maid of honour
- 新郎+伴郎 Groom(s) and groomsmen/bestman
- 新娘+伴娘+新郎+伴郎
- 新郎新娘与家人朋友 Couple with any children/Family/Friends in the wedding party
- 新郎新娘+整个婚礼宾客 Couple with the entire wedding party
- 鸡尾酒时刻 Cocktail Hour
- 用餐区域整体布置 The reception space set up, before the room fills up
- 用餐区域鲜花,包括餐桌布置,位置卡,装饰品等 Details and room decor shots, including table settings, place cards, favors, centerpieces, etc.
- 夫妇用餐桌 Sweetheart table
- 婚礼蛋糕细节镜头 Wedding cake detail shots
- 夫妇到达 Couple arriving
- 敬酒和演讲 Toasts and speeches
- 切蛋糕 Cutting the cake
- 初舞 The First Dance
- 新娘与父亲共舞/新郎与母亲共舞 Bride(s) dancing with father/groom(s) dancing with mother
- 夫妇与客人混合 Couple mingling with guests
- 客人跳舞 Guests dancing
- 音乐家,歌手,DJ Musicians, singers, DJ
- 退场(烟花棒/五彩纸屑)Exit
- 最后一吻!Last Kiss